Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Anderson Visited Me at Work Today!

It's not every day your child asks 'Mama, can I go to work with you?"  And when they do, you can't wait to bring them!

But first, you must ask permission. And Anderson did just that! He said he would write a letter to Bob and ask. I presented it to Bob the next day and he approved the request. (You must do things through the proper channels.)

Today was the big day! I woke up Anderson and told him to look his best so he put on his church clothes....tie and all! If he ever works in an actual office, I think he's got the attire down.

After stopping at McDonald's for some pancakes (because you can't work on an empty stomach), we stepped into Kennebec Behavioral Health. I work in the Billing Department as a Billing Specialist. I really love my job because 1 + 1 ALWAYS equals 2! Everything is black & white. There really are no gray areas. You either get paid or you don't. Very few times do I ever have to worry about not figuring things out. 99% of the time there is always an answer.
After his big breakfast, our boss, Bob, brought in doughnuts from Tim Hortons. He offered Anderson first choice! Of course, he chose the one with the most sprinkles!

After all the food, it was time to get down to business! I told him that if he ever wanted to work in Billing, Bob needed to make sure he knew his numbers. So I gave him the test EVERY employee must take before being able to work in Billing. (wink wink) A test of addition and subtraction. Could he do it?

You better believe he could! 100%!!
I asked him if he knew what insurance was. He shook his head no. So I explained it to him like this:

You know how you visit the doctor or the chiropractor? Well, each time you see them, you are charged money. Would you like to pay them ALL the money?

He said no. Smart boy!

I told him that insurance is something you can buy through your work so they pay for almost all of it!

After that, I put him to work! I made him add up the columns in our report to make sure the computer system was adding them correctly. Never can be too sure, right?
When he was all done, he received a certificate!
I tell you, this kid will be ready for corporate America soon enough! He liked it so much he wants to come back! Maybe when he's old enough he can be a temp and do data entry. All I know is that he said when he gets older he wants a convertible. I told him he could start looking for a job at 15. When it comes to his financial future, I'm not worried.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

What A Little Girl Told Me Last Night...And What I Said Back

I am very lucky. Every weekend I get to go and do something I absolutely love: SING! And to be compensated for that is awesome! Heck, most of the time I will sing for food.

I have been in bands since I was 17. Each one has been a unique experience. I've learned what to and not to do. What to say and what not to say. But the most important thing I've learned is how to treat people. You really find out who your friends are when things happen.

And kids are the most important people you can talk to. They are brutally honest. They will tell you what they DO like and, without a filter, what they DON'T like. And I take what they say into consideration. Everyone has an opinion.

But what one little girl told me last night really hit home.

When Sharon Hood & Dixon Road finished our gig at Lake Pemaquid Campground, a young lady named Jackie came up to me and said "You have an amazing voice. I wish I could do what you do but I get stagefright. I could never do that...I look up to you."

Oh, be still my heart.

I am but a medium-sized fish in a big pond. The band has a wonderful following for which I am truly thankful for. Each gig brings exciting new people into our lives.

And this exciting new little person was a beautiful soul.

It shows that I have a very important job to do. With all the media that kids are watching (tv, YouTube, the internet in general), they are exposed to so much. Most children at that certain age (10-12) have never been to an actual concert so when they see me it's the first concert they've ever been to. (They are REALLY wanting Taylor Swift but they get me instead!) And I have a responsibility to give them a great performance.

It is also my responsibility to be a role model. There are some stars out there who do things on stage that I would NEVER let MY children see (I think you know who I'm talking about). And I wouldn't be caught dead doing ANYTHING they do. Now is the time when kids soak up every picture, every song, every action of their favorite artists. It's that kind of time we live in.

So when this young, beautiful girl with big bright eyes says something like that to me, it's my responsibility to talk with her. To, hopefully, tell her the right things.

And this is what I told her:

I told her thank you very much and that I was glad she enjoyed the show. I also told her that she CAN do what I do. You see, every gig I have I'm a little nervous before the show starts. If I wasn't a little nervous, I wouldn't be human. Everyone wants to give a great performance. Who likes to mess up? After I get up on stage and that first song is over, I feel much better and the show goes on as usual.

I told her that if she likes to sing, STICK WITH IT! If it is something you love, why give it up? Why let something stop you? She could be the next winner of American Idol or The Voice! All it takes is practice. And lots of it. I've been singing since I could walk. Practice may not make perfect but it sure as heck makes you better.

I told her that next year, because her family are seasonal campers and hope to be back next year, that we would have her on stage with us. Her eyes got really big at that point! There are songs we do that she already knows. Why not? Someone let me take the stage for the first time. It's my turn to do that for someone else.

In 7th grade, I was told by my teacher that I was ugly and couldn't sing so why try out for the school musical? That hurt me so much. But it didn't stop me. I kept at it and joined chorus in high school. I was discovered to be a natural harmonizer which I love doing. I was cultivated by people who saw something in me and helped me get better. I surrounded myself with people like me who love music and everything about it.

I may never get to the level of Taylor, Carrie or Miranda but I CAN do what I love. I still have the same's just coming true in a different way. There is still time for my original dream to come true. All I can do is keep working towards it, surround myself with people with the same dream and be happy. Now, I am writing my own music and bringing it to life with 4 great friends and a husband and family that support my dream. Maybe my voice will never be heard across the country but maybe, just maybe, my songs will.

To Jackie at Lake Pemaquid Campground...NEVER give up on your dreams! NEVER let anyone say you're not good enough! NEVER let other people tear you down just to lift themselves back up. NEVER let yourself forget that YOU are an original. NEVER try to be someone you're not. YOU deserve to be happy. YOU have the right to dream any dream you like and strive to make it come true.

And I hope it does. I truly hope it does.